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The Holographic Brain

The Brain As a Hologram

Decades ago it was widely believed that memories were held in certain places in the brain; in fact, it was believed, that if you removed a portion of the brain you would/could remove an entire memory or memories. Biologist Paul Pietsch (Indiana University), in the 1960′s, did studies on salamanders in an attempt to disprove the distributed nature of memories (as found in the Holographic model). Pietsch removed the brains of salamanders and while they were in a stupor without their brains (fantastic in and of itself) they returned to their normal behaviour when the brain was returned. Focusing his tests on analyzing the salamanders feeding behaviour, Pietsch decided that if this behaviour (of feeding) was in fact not confined to any certain portion of the brain (instead distributed, like a hologram) then it shouldn’t matter how the brain was positioned in the head; the salamander should return to normal function. So, he set out once again, more focused, to disprove a holographic scenario. First he flip-flopped the brain and returned it to the salamander who quickly returned to its regular behaviour; he then turned it upside down with the same result. Then in a series of 700 operations he sliced, flipped, shuffled, subtracted and even minced the brains and still their behaviour normalized once it (what was left at least) was returned to the salamander! (Note: Accounts and further explanation can be found in Pietsch’s book Shufflebrain.)

Further phenomenon associated with the brain can be explained with the Holographic model such as the ability to remember and forget, the ability to recognize familiar things, photographic memory, associative memory, the transference of learned skills, the vastness of our memory, etc. Your brain is truly and completely of a holographic nature.

Explaining General Phenomenon

The Holographic model explains many general phenomenon not yet fully understood by conventional science; phenomenon such as out of body experiences, near death experiences, multiple personality disorder, dreams, lucid dreams, placebo effect, psychokinesis, auras and human energy fields and on and on and on. All of which are outside the scope of this message, however…

We’ll leave this portion of the subject with an example of phenomenon understood and explained through hologram – phantom limb sensations (the reports of people feeling somewhat “normal” sensations of amputated limbs; limbs that are no longer there). Most of us think of reality as “the world out there”. However, science is certain, yet unwillingly to highlight and expand on the fact that everything we see, touch, smell and hear are actually interpretations of chemical, neurological and energetic processes in the brain (Noter: when you slam your hand in the car door, the pain (signal) is created by your brain, even though you feel it in your hand). So, while it appears “out there”, it’s all happening “in here”. The illusion of appearances of things being in places they are not is the prime feature of a hologram, so it is with phantom limb pains.

Bringing forward the example of the holographic paper cut in two, if we were to cut off a piece of a human, the remaining piece(s) would still project (energetically, not visually) the piece that was removed, complete with the sensations of the piece as it would normally function. Nobel prize-winning physiologist Georg van Bekesy, in a series of experiments, placed vibrators on the knees of test subjects and then varied the rate of vibration. He discovered that by doing so he could get his test subjects to “feel” the point of vibration between the knees; he was ultimately able to show that we can experience feeling or stimulation outside our physical bodies, in areas in which there are obviously no sensory receptors. Returning to phantom limb pains, it is the holographic memory of the limb that still plays out in recorded patterns of interference in the brain of the amputee; it is, for many amputees, as if the limb were still there, and in many regards, in the holographic paradigm, it still is.

Look around you right now, at the picture on the wall, the computer, the desk; you’re observing a hologram, projected by and through interference patterns within your brain and then, in return, perceived by the very thing (your brain) that produced the projection.

Now imagine what is possible when you choose to consciously participate in the creation and construction of that hologram… before it is projected.

Continue learning with The Superhologram

Review the previous writing The Projection Principle

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