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The X-Factor Mechanics

How Does the X-Factor Work? All of the disappointment in your life, all of the failures, all of shortcomings, all of the lack can be attributed to one thing and ONE thing only: Your X-Factor equation is out of balance. It has a gap; a gap that swallows, in spite of your efforts, all your dreams, desires and affirmations. Let’s look closely at the X-Factor. We’ll break it down as we go. First, here it is...

Using the X-Factor

How to Use the X-Factor OK, great idea, now how do I use it?! Good question and that’s simple! Well, sort of. First, let’s consider what most everyone does… and be conscious of that. Let’s look at the reason and equation for virtually every failure to manifest: As an example (as outlined above), most people either think they’re at 70% manifester evolution, while at only 30% evolution and only...

Mastering the X-Factor

Other Things to Consider I can already hear the questions, so I’ll leave you with a couple thoughts in closing. Know this: Manifestation, more specifically the ability or the power to manifest, is amoral. There is no right or wrong here. That is why terrible men can do extraordinary things and live seemingly enchanted lives (my guess is that this is almost always illusion; most “evil” people manifest well in...

Ideology and “The Secret”

In the movie “The Secret”, Joe Vitale says, “["the secret"/the law of attraction is] part of the overall grand secret”. What does he mean by this? Let’s investigate. Avoiding Ideology There is a virus in the collective unconscious, in my opinion, that instructs people to take on a viewpoint wholesale. It tells us (often through the mouth of another person) that if we are smart and/or “have...

Understanding “The Secret”

How People Can Misinterpret “The Secret” If any of what was written in “Ideology and The Secret” made sense to you, then you should consider whether you’ve done this with the documentary “The Secret”. Have you rejected it or accepted it entirely? I have met many who simply state that it’s self-help rubbish with an inappropriate emphasis on getting money; I don’t think...

Limitations of “The Secret”

The Secret, of course, is not directly responsible for what you are about to read. However, it is the latest popular product that fails to effectively outline the 4th dimension reality and to set a clear course to correct it. I’d like to properly outline it here for your consideration; more information that will eventually allow you/us to correct this. Our focus should remain on our next and better reality. However,...

True Wealth and “The Secret”

Shhh, Don’t Talk About It! I’ve been inspired, in part by some of the comments I’ve received regarding The Secret, to “drop the gloves” (I do love hockey, although I don’t like fighting, so I’ll just shadow box here) and get down to my real challenge to The Secret and most other self-help, new age, philosophical pursuits. No one, not Chopra, not Proctor, not Dyer, not anyone, talks...

Misusing “The Secret”

Who Are The Real Perpetrators Then? We are. Africa is burning because we set it afire. The Middle East is in chaos and we are the fan that feeds that flame. In virtually every other large dispute, we (westerners) have had our hands in it, to one degree or another; most often to ensure that our properties and corporate interests are protected and continue to grow. Every time we purchase a cheap can of coffee, for example, we...